Are you planning your halidays and you are not sure if you will find limitations when you travel to Spain?
Continue reading and we will tell you everything you need to know to travel to Spain during the covid:
Travel to Spain Covid - Travel restrictions
The travel restrictions imposed by the countries are not yet clear. While some countries such as Italy, Croatia, Greece and Spain have already announced that in July and August it will be possible to travel with little normality, other countries have not yet made clear the exact date on which they will begin to welcome the growing tourism.
It is true that some airlines continue to cancel the flight reservations of some travelers in June, either because they have temporarily or permanently closed the borders or because they have canceled that particular route as it was not profitable enough.
Recommendation: Check with the airline or your trusted travel agency if your flight is scheduled to leave before making your reservation. Another option is that you take out travel insurance that covers all your needs.
Travel to Spain Covid- Mandatory quarantine
Many people wonder if this summer they should respect the quarantine when entering a country to enjoy the summer holidays. This is one of the great fears when traveling, the need to spend a minimum of 14 days in a specific place without being able to leave.
Nowadays, as a preventive measure, most of the world quarantines citizens who enter in the country, either by air or land. At the land borders of countries such as Austria, rapid checks are carried out to enter the country in order to guarantee security and the virus control.
Some countries with a large influx of international sun and beach tourism such as Spain, Italy, Croatia and Greece, have already indicated that as of July there will be no quarantine for those travelers who decide to enjoy the country, increasing the price of flights and accommodation in the last weeks in these destinations.
Recommendation: Review the predicitions of the country of destination in relation to mandatory quarantine during the chosen holiday period.
Travel to Spain Covid- Beaches
As we commented in a recent article in our Blog about beaches in Malaga summer 2020, in countries with a large influx of tourists, just as occur in Spain, certain restrictions will be imposed on the beaches to control the capacity and the safety distance between people.
It is important to note that this summer 2020 you will be able to continue enjoying the beaches despite the fact that certain basic hygiene rules have to be respected.
Travel to Spain Covid- Hotels and restaurants
Many hotels on the Costa del Sol will continue to be open as usual to national and international tourism this summer, although common areas such as swimming pools may remain closed or partially open to control capacity and avoid a build-up of people.
In the case of restaurants and bars in Spain, everything indicates that in July they will open almost entirely, with slight capacity controls and safety distance.
Travel to Spain Covid- Basic hygiene rules
Nowadays, the use of masks is mandatory in Spain, except in very specific cases such as in very unpopulated areas or there isn´t a build-up of people where the safety distance can be maintained and, in cases of force majeure such as families with limited resources, members with disabilities and respiratory patients for whom the use of a mask may be an obstacle to breathing.
In addition to the use of masks, the government of Spain recommends frequent hand washing and avoiding spaces where agglomerations can occur.
We recommend that all travelers review in detail the travel restrictions of the chosen holiday destination (each province of Spain is establishing different measures to enjoy the summer) and reserve any service with free cancellation. If you take it in mind everything that we propose, you can enjoy an unforgettable holidays on the Spanish coast.
This information will be updated little by little and we will be able to know more about how to travel to Spain during the covid crisis. Follow us on Facebook and discover the most up-to-date information about the Costa del Sol.